
Friday 24 July 2020

Poster on kindness

Why is it important to be caring and kind?

Why is it important to be caring and kind?
Teachers in Sesame Street survey: Kindness matters more than grades -  Business Insider
We should all be caring to one another but some
people don't want to be caring at all,Caring
is important to people,Kindness is when you help someone
when they are feeling down,Caring is about caring for
someone when they are lonely.

Kindness is one of the most important things people
should do,Kindness is not about bullying it's about
when you help someone when people are bullying them.

Caring is about caring for someone who is being judged
and being picked on you should always stick about for
someone who is being bullied. You should stick up for
them because you should care about them.

Being caring and being kind is like the same thing but
you should always do both,When you see someone getting kicked or
being pushed say stop and tell the teacher you should always care
even though they are a stranger,be kind to the world. 
