
Tuesday 23 February 2021

Narritive on "Treaty of waitangi"

Once there was a maori tribe,the Leader of the tribe (Neha),her assistant Ruqa and their tribe  found a country called Aotearoa,they lived there for 500 years until one day they heard men yelling and boats arriving, they saw a boat arriving on their land. “Who are they” said Assistant Ruqa “we’ll see” said Neha,once the germans arrived they went to the cave where the tribe lived, The commander (Victoria) and her Assistant (Darra) stumbled across Neha and they said “I have a treaty for you to sign” Neha felt very suspicious of their offer so she said no “ I will not sign your treaty “.

Victoria Became very mad and asked one more time,” Will you sign the treaty “ Victoria asked with madness and again Neha said “ NO “ so Victoria slapped neha across the face and Neha sobbed with many tears coming down her face, Assistant Ruqa became very Angry at Victoria so she yelled at her and said “ GET OFF OUR LAND “ Victoria said I will not leave until you sign the treaty and give us OUR land, Ruqa replied with “ NO “ as Neha is still sobbing with tears on her face.\

Victoria got mad so she said fine then I will behead your leader “ NO “ said Ruqa, “ I will volunteer to take Neha's spot of being beheaded, Neha said “ NO “ Victoria replied with “ sorry she made her final choice “ so off they went outside to the ship, Neha ran after them and said “ ALRIGHT I WILL SIGN YOUR TREATY “ as long as you give me MY assistant but Victoria said not until you sign MY treaty.

Neha signed the treaty and Victoria said “ YES the land is mine! “ then Neha ripped the treaty with anger on her face and said “ NO I WILL NOT SIGN YOUR TREATY “ then Victoria got very mad and left to find another country to rule,”YAY” yelled the tribe with happiness on their faces, “ I am so sorry I couldn't do anything “ said Ruqa its okay said Neha “ As long as you're here with me “.

My Podcast

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Mixing colours

 Kia ora bloggers,I mixed some colours which turned out great,I used red,yellow,white,black and blue to make these colours,The mood I think these colours made is happy,sad and angry. Hope you enjoyed this blog post!